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Lya Brown


Certified Pedorthist, BOCPD, CPL 

Canadian Pedorthist Licence


Elgin County Foot Services has been providing courteous, professional foot service since 2001.


Lya Brown is a Certified Pedorthist with the Board of Certification/Accreditation, International (BOCPD)  and a previous Certified Pedorthic Technician through the Pedorthic Association of Canada. BOC International is a National Commission for Certifying Agencies  (NCCA), and is President of PFA Canadian Chapter.


This certification is awarded for meeting the professional standards of BOC International, together with all the honours, rights, privileges and responsibilities in pursuit of our mission to assure patients, physicians, professional organizations , the public-at-large, and government agencies and representatives of the competence and professionalism of BOC  Certified Practioners.


Lya is a present member of the Pedorthic Footcare Association, which was established in 1958. She has taken courses  through Temple University including, Anatomy, Biomechanical Gait Analysis, Shoe Modifications, Diabetic Footcare, and Congenital Foot Abnormalities.


Lya is also certified in the Professional Shoe Fitter Course through the Pedorthic Footcare Association. Specializing in hard-to-fit feet, the Diabetic Foot, Partial Foot Amputation, extremely Narrow, and Wide Fitting Footwear, Shoe Lifts, and Shoe Modifications.



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