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Lya Brown, Owner
Certified Pedorthist, BOCPD
Canadian Pedorthist Licence
President PFA Footcare Association
(Canadian Chapter)

39638 Fingal Line - BY APPT. ONLY
St. Thomas ON N5P 3S5
Tel: 519-631-0000

Many things affect the condition of our feet: activity level, occupation, other health conditions, and perhaps most importantly - shoes! Our Feet are constantly under stress. It's no wonder that 80% of us will have some sort of problem with our feet at one time or another. 

We offer material choices for your custom made orthotics - No need to have a hard, plastic orthotic that only causes you grief. If you have had hard orthotics in the past and couldn't wear them....we can help! There are many material options that can help without you suffering.

A well made, custom made orthotic should never add to your discomfort. 
Custom made orthotics are used to address foot problems but can also help with sore knees, hips, back and neck problems. Custom made orthotics are fabricated from a variety of materials and used in many types of shoes; athletic, therapeutic, work and even dress shoes. 


All orthotics are produced in our on-site lab within 7 days of your first visit to offer our patients and clients the best of care. At Elgin County Foot Services we believe that it's imperative that the person doing the assessment produces the custom-made orthotics. These are not cookie cutter orthotics, but hand-made custom orthotics, from raw materials. A true custom made orthotic.


Here at Elgin County Foot Services, we offer a variety of specialties to accommodate your needs and are approved Providers for Insurances such as GREEN SHIELD PREFERRED PROVIDER, SUNLIFE, INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE, NATIVE AFFAIRS, WSIB, EQUITABLE LIFE, STANDARD LIFE, JOHNSON'S, RWAM  and many others.


We will never deny anyone who needs care and has been referred by their physician. Payment plans are available for those without Extended Health Benefits.

There is no charge for a Biomechanical Assessment or follow up appointments.

Custom Made Orthotics are manufactured in our own lab by the Certified Pedorthist at a cost of $400. per pair. There are no taxable charges as this is a medical device. 


If you require further assistance...feel free to call our office at 519-631-0000. 

Lya Brown

Certified Pedorthist, BOCPD

President, PFA Pedorthic Footcare Association (Canadian Chapter)


Available Services
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